We inform you that the data provided to the manager of the site herein, at the moment of the completion of the "contact form" of the site, will be treated with respect to d.lgs. 196/2003, Code for the protection of personal data.
The contact form available on the site has the only purpose of allowing visitors to the site to contact, should they desire to do so, the manager of the site, by sending the form in object by email to the manager.
The present information regards personal data sent by the using visitor at the moment of the completion of the contact form.
We inform you of the fact that the data voluntarily sent through this form will be converted into an email, that could eventually be saved within the email reception system used by the owner of the site. Neither this data, nor other data derived from the navigation of this site will be recorded on other supports or devices.
1. The purpose of the treatment of personal data.
The data sent by you will only be used to be able to eventually re-contact you, through the information included on the contact form, to deal with your request contained in the message received.
2. The nature of the treated data and the method of treatment
The personal data treated will be exclusive that provided by you through the completion of the contact form. The treatment of the data supplied is performed by means of the operations or series of operations indicated in art. 4 comma 1 lett. a) D. Lgs. 196/2003. The treatment of the data is performed directly by the owner.
3. The optional provision of data
The supplying of data is optional. However, the refusal to supply contact data determines the impossibility to be re-contacted by Marco Antonio Bonfigli.
4. Owner of the treatment
The owner of the treatment is Marco Antonio Bonfigli | Viale Piero Pozzoli snc - 19037 Santo Stefano di Magra (Sp), Italy | P.IVA 01147620452 - C.F. BNFMCN71A07A496V | +39 339 468 2773 - bonfimarc@gmail.com.
5. Rights of the interested parties
The subjects that the personal data refer to have the right, at any moment, to obtain the confirmation of the existence of such data, and to know the content and origin, to verify its accuracy or request an update, integration or correction (art. 7 D.Lgs. 196/03). In the sense of the same article, the user has the right to request the cancellation, transformation to an anonymous form, or the block of data treated in violation of the law and, in any case, to oppose its treatment for legitimate reasons, by writing to the owner of the treatment, and sending an email to bonfimarc@gmail.com
6. Duration of the treatment
The treatment has a duration not superior to that necessary of purpose for which it was collected.
Consent is considered freely given by clicking on the relative box "I have read the information regarding the treatment of personal data and consent to its treatment for the purpose indicated"